Good, Creative, & Ugly Logo Concepts That Prove Good Design is Hard
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The best–laid plans of mice and men often go awry.
Let’s have a little fun, shall we? Companies have used objects in the real world to represent their company since the beginning of time. When done well, a logo concept can become iconic. When done wrong? Well, you’ll see.
Here are three examples of how one concept can produce good, creative, and downright ugly logos. Enjoy!
I Love a Good Duck Concept
A duck seems like a strange character to start your brand around, but once you see some of the creative ways this cute animal can be used, it may not be a surprised. Here are two concepts that flow like water off a duck’s back; and one concept that is, well, from a quack.
The Good: SlashDuck Logo

SlashDuck Logo by Mochamad Arief
The Creative: Duck Painters
The Ugly: It’s a bird?

A duck, I think.
Hindsight is 20-20 Glasses Concept
Glasses are so hot right now and the logos bare this out. If you want to be cool or hip, throw a pair of spectacles and voila! But sometimes glasses should be on the designer’s nose, not on the logo.
The Good: Talk Nerdy Logo
The Creative: Colour Me Nerdy
The Bad: Ow! This One Hurts My Eyes

Ow! This one hurts my eyes.
The Face of Your Company: Character Concepts
Characters can help give a company some life and make it personal. But maybe not THAT personal, if you know what I mean.
The Good: Hardcore Gamer Logo
The Creative: Einstein
The Ugly: Old Yeller This One

Old Yeller This One
I like it, the Einstein on is great, the Duck Painters too, both great examples of illustrative logos done right, I recently had a duck based project too, lots of fun:
Hey Kyle,
These are great examples of how not every graphic is cool just because it’s a graphic. And the Duck Painters is genius!
Thanks for writing about this!